La ricerca ha trovato 468 risultati

da Larry
gio 2 lug 2009, 0:13
Forum: English section
Argomento: G8 in TS
Risposte: 8
Visite : 1915

It appears that the G8 folks had a dinner in the Villa Revoltella were they were served with some of the fresh salmon reared nowadays in Trieste at the Azienda Agricola ZOBEC.
Larry, beginning to get back to something approaching his old self. Cheers. :-D :-D :-D
da Larry
mar 9 giu 2009, 23:13
Forum: El salotin
Argomento: In ricordo degli anni 1945/1954
Risposte: 19
Visite : 2439

:oops: Serlilian, il mio arrivo in citta e nelle mani dei dii o piuttosto le mani delle compagnie treni. Direi verso le 17/1730 con un po di speranza. Ci rivedremo manana.
da Larry
mar 9 giu 2009, 23:09
Forum: El salotin
Argomento: In ricordo degli anni 1945/1954
Risposte: 19
Visite : 2439

:-D Adler, siccome non so usare per bene un cellulare e che questo numero verra usato soltanto mentre sono a Trieste e poi niente piu sino a quando ritornero di nuovo fra qualche anno, potevi anche lasciare il numero esposto ma tu non sapevi questo naturalmente. Allora grazie se pensi che gente pote...
da Larry
lun 8 giu 2009, 23:54
Forum: El salotin
Argomento: In ricordo degli anni 1945/1954
Risposte: 19
Visite : 2439

:-D Grazie a tutti per i complimenti. Graditi. Ho un cellulare che h acquistato l'anno scorso a Trieste e numero del quale e`:******e spero anche non e stato annullato, siccome non l'ho usato per un anno.
Si pol sempre provar, no?
A Mercoledi sera, siori. Ci rivedremo. Larry
da Larry
lun 8 giu 2009, 0:02
Forum: Saluti, presentazioni feste comandade e gentileze varie
Argomento: Bon Compleanno
Risposte: 600
Visite : 168450

:-D Grazie per le fotografie Sum Culex. Ma a 150 passi da casa mia c'e` un prato pien di quelle bestie. Ciao, Larry
da Larry
dom 7 giu 2009, 23:58
Forum: Saluti, presentazioni feste comandade e gentileze varie
Argomento: Bon Compleanno
Risposte: 600
Visite : 168450

:36_3_16: No, non ho avuto piu problemi. C'erano due serate quando non potevo allacciare ma or va ben, si vede. Elisa, bella mia dell'Argentina, non sei in ritardo. Oggi e` il giorno quando giro il canton e doman arrivero al primo giornato del 85. Grazie a tutti per gli auguri. Oggi ho avuto un pran...
da Larry
dom 7 giu 2009, 23:44
Forum: English section
Argomento: BETFOR IN TOWN 2009
Risposte: 26
Visite : 5895

:-D Thanks for the information Ron. For a minute there I thought you were the one on the left having just climbed out of the canal being held by an old friend from the other forum, the Canadian Ursus. If there's any chance of Larry being in a PR photoshoot no doubt he will be there. But why should w...
da Larry
dom 7 giu 2009, 23:29
Forum: El salotin
Argomento: In ricordo degli anni 1945/1954
Risposte: 19
Visite : 2439

In ricordo degli anni 1945/1954

:-D Spero che non e` un po troppo sentimentale postare quanto sotto ma volevo soltanto mostrarvi che gli inglesi non dimenticanno la citta di Trieste. Esiste un sito-web dedicato ad un gruppo di ex-militari brittanici che furono membri della famosa forza di occupazione BETFOR (Elemento Brittanico de...
da Larry
sab 6 giu 2009, 1:07
Forum: English section
Argomento: BETFOR IN TOWN 2009
Risposte: 26
Visite : 5895

:oops: Hey, now, don't involve me in this highbrow brouhaha. Sure, I have read Ulysses. I had to read something to pass the time when I was an Export Sales Manager in the Middle East. I may even have a paper-back copy somewhere in the house. But it's like 'La Divina Commedia' di Dante (a copy of whi...
da Larry
mer 27 mag 2009, 0:42
Forum: English section
Argomento: Opicina 1946/47
Risposte: 20
Visite : 8038

:-)Franco, strange you should mention Campo Romano. I have an in-law living up there in Via dei Volpi. She is the daughter of a cousin of my ex-wife. I tried to phone her last night but it was obviously too late at night so hung up after the first ringtone. But I don't remember any houses up there r...
da Larry
mar 26 mag 2009, 0:53
Forum: English section
Argomento: Opicina 1946/47
Risposte: 20
Visite : 8038

:-D Billsson, here comes Larry on his white charger to maybe enact a rescue of sorts. I was stationed in Opicina from October 1946 to end January 1947 with the Welch Regiment. But you do surprise me when you say your father had his wife and child with him. I was just a lowly private (Despatch Rider)...
da Larry
lun 18 mag 2009, 0:47
Forum: English section
Argomento: English words in Triest
Risposte: 48
Visite : 12976

:oops: You probably wont believe this but the first time I saw that one of finding the 'Fs', I counted only four. I could not believe there were six. Took me three times to get it right. It really is amazing how the eye and the brain work - dare I say it - together? Serlillian, if you have one of th...
da Larry
sab 16 mag 2009, 0:47
Forum: English section
Argomento: Austrian Navy - K.u.K. Kriegsmarine
Risposte: 39
Visite : 8304

:oops: Baba, for a lady who, unfortunately, suffers from impaired hearing, you write and compose English extremely well. But please, some more information on that King you mention. Now that does surprise me. Well, no,not really because I am used to hearing of Kings and Queens in our ancient history ...
da Larry
sab 16 mag 2009, 0:14
Forum: English section
Argomento: English words in Triest
Risposte: 48
Visite : 12976

:-D I make no apologies for what follows. It is from one of our foremost seats of learning -- Cambridge University. Keep on reading and writing English. Larry ALZHEIMERS' EYE TEST Count every " F" in the following text: FINISHED FILES ARE THE RE SULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTI FIC STUDY COMBINED ...
da Larry
ven 15 mag 2009, 0:40
Forum: English section
Argomento: Austrian Navy - K.u.K. Kriegsmarine
Risposte: 39
Visite : 8304

:-D Coce, yes, I can understand the English written by Beta e Serlillian. One or two small errors which can be forgiven to a foreigner writing English the same as you friends forgive me when I write in Triestine and Italian. Mi pare che i scrivi sta roba per insempiar la gente and sure enough, with ...
da Larry
gio 14 mag 2009, 0:04
Forum: English section
Argomento: Austrian Navy - K.u.K. Kriegsmarine
Risposte: 39
Visite : 8304

:oops: :oops: Thank you ladies. That was a history lesson that I appreciated. You will have to give me an examination to sit when I get to Trieste in June. Not long now.
da Larry
dom 10 mag 2009, 1:00
Forum: El salotin
Argomento: Politici: barzellette.
Risposte: 23
Visite : 3622

:-D :-D Eccovi una piccola banale barzeletto per finir la settimana. Confessione. Un anziano che viveva nei dintorni di Rimini e andato nella chiesa vicina a casa sua per fare la sua confessione. Quando il prete ha aperta il pannello nella cabina l’uomo comincia la sua confessione. “Padre, durante l...
da Larry
dom 10 mag 2009, 0:57
Forum: English section
Argomento: Austrian Navy - K.u.K. Kriegsmarine
Risposte: 39
Visite : 8304

Hi Coce, long time no see. BUT, sorry to disappoint you, as far as my poor knowledge of history goes, ITALY did not exist as a unified nation until about 1864. What it was called before then I do not know. As far as I can recall it was a country made up of many small dukedoms, baronies, and contee, ...
da Larry
mer 6 mag 2009, 0:41
Forum: English section
Argomento: Austrian Navy - K.u.K. Kriegsmarine
Risposte: 39
Visite : 8304

Serlillian, I've just finished my first study of Austro and Italian history thanks to those links above though Wikipedia. Very interesting. Things that I had never heard of before. Though, having left school at 14 years of age, an 'elementary school' as it was called then, what little we learned of ...
da Larry
dom 3 mag 2009, 23:42
Forum: English section
Argomento: Austrian Navy - K.u.K. Kriegsmarine
Risposte: 39
Visite : 8304

:oops: :oops: Serlillian, now that really was a surprise. I never even knew that Austria ever had a Navy. We live and learn!! The other thing I need to look up is where on earth is that place called Lissa. Fasano I have heard of because I have been there as well as Pola but that Pola and Trieste eve...

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